High Plains Drifter

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January 19, 2006

300: 786

Filed under: Bowling — Mike U @ 9:38 pm

I really cannot explain it… my up and down bowling. Over the past couple weeks, I’ve been in a pretty low valley, my game. A couple weekends ago I bowled in a scratch tournament here in Dodge and in the 4-game qualifying I averaged no better than 175. I just couldn’t focus and it didn’t help that the lanes were oilier than usual and my ball just wasn’t reacting with a ton of carrydown… and I couldn’t carry for crap either. It was rather frustrating. It also didn’t help that I was bowling in about an hour and a half of sleep after coming off a midnight shift.

Last night was an entirely different story. I cannot explain how I could go from one extreme to another other than the fact that the lanes we were bowling on had a huge holding area for me and a shot about 5 boards wide, so that if I did miss either way, it would be in the pocket. I was carrying everything. My 2nd game was the 9th 300 of my bowling career, with every shot pretty much flush in the hole. The 10th ball was remarkable. I came in just slightly behind the head pin and left a soft 10-pin…however, the head-pin messenger came across like a bat outta hell… and ultimately took out the 10 in a last minute show of drama. All the bowlers around me watching let out a huge “Yeah!” when that last pin gracefully fell. The 11th and 12th were solid… except my 12th ball was far from solid release… as I double dribbled the damn thing, but following through and slow enough ball speed allowed for enough compensation to get the job done.

Next game started with 4 flush strikes. 5th frame I slowed the ball down too much and left a nasty 3-4-7 split. Didn’t convert, but followed it with another 6-in-a-row. The last ball was a solid 10-pin hit in the 12th frame for a 262… leading to my new all-time high series of 786… just 14 shy of the elusive and extremely difficult 800 series. -Mike

December 4, 2005

300: #8!

Filed under: Bowling — Mike U @ 7:10 am

Okay time to gloat again about my bowling. Hey, it’s my blog so I can chest thump if I want to :)

Last Tuesday perfection ensued once again, as I rolled the 8th perfect game 300 of my illustrious bowling career ;-) After struggling for the past few months…ever since the last couple of weeks, I’ve been much more consistent with my release which is a big confidence boost. Confidence in your game is a huge key to stringing a ton of strikes and posting persistent high scores. Unfortunately for me, this ebs and flows on a monthly or bi-monthly basis.. or at least it has in the past couple years it seems. I could streak together quite a few 650+ series… and twice since I have moved to Dodge City I have bowled two 300 games in a span of just a couple weeks….only to follow it up the next month or two with some horribly pathetic low 500 to 550 series with far too many sub-175 games.

So last Tuesday in the Continental League, my games were 210-300-245 for a 755 series. The following night, I had 12-in-a-row again… in the 2nd game I had the last 10 strikes followed by the first two in the last game. My series Wednesday night was 705. This marked the 4th straight league night with a 700 series…which is a first. How long can I keep this going for? Stay tuned… :)

May 2, 2005

High “10″ and “30″

Filed under: Bowling — storm300 @ 11:03 pm

Okay, I’m allowed to gloat every now again, it’s my blog! ;-)
In bowling we refer to highest game many times as high "10", in reference to highest score in 10 frames… and 3-game series as high "30"…

Highest game: 300

May 4, 1997 :: AMF Northland Lanes (Kansas City, MO) ::
Kansas City Open (youth tournament)

July 11, 1997 :: Laurel Lanes (Raytown, MO) ::
Youth Sweeper Tournament

October 18, 2003 :: Ayr Lanes (Liberal, KS) ::
Western Kansas Scratch Bowlers Tour, unsanctioned

November 2, 2003 :: Centennial Lanes (Hays, KS) ::
Western Kansas Scratch Bowlers Tour, unsanctioned

March 31, 2003 :: Spare Tyme Bowl (Dodge City, KS) ::
Wednesday Triple Threat League

September 22, 2004 :: Spare Tyme Bowl (Dodge City, KS) ::
Wednesday Triple Threat League

October 5, 2004 :: Spare Tyme Bowl (Dodge City, KS) ::
Wednesday Triple Threat League

November 29, 2005 :: Spare Tyme Bowl (Dodge City, KS) ::
Tuesday Continental League

Highest Series: 777

October 5, 2004 :: Spare Tyme Bowl (Dodge City, KS) ::
Wednesday Triple Threat League


The twelfth frame

Filed under: Bowling,Editorial — storm300 @ 10:04 pm

Well tomorrow is the end-of-season banquet for the Wednesday night league I bowl on. It is the close of bowling for the Winter 2004-2005 season, and I am looking forward to the break. I thought I’d share a little bit of my history in bowling dating back to my young teenage years in Overland Park.

It was another one of those long, boring summers in the early 90s, when I was around 14 years old or so… when going to the public pool and playing stickball in the neighborhood was just getting to be too much of a regular thing and getting old fairly quickly. I want to say it was the summer of 1994. Anyway, my brother, myself, and a couple neighborhood friends went to the local bowling alley just up the road for a casual game of bowling. This was to be the beginning. We had so much fun; I instantly became addicted. I wanted to bowl more. So the next week, we took advantage of a special summer rate and went again.

By the fall, we were all in our first youth bowling league. We all sucked (relatively speaking), with an average around 110 or so. I remember having a 114 average the first month of the league. I got my first bowling ball from K-mart, some POS plastic Brunswick ball, but it was drilled specifically for my hand, with my name engraved above the fingers!! I thought this was so cool. With this bowling ball, I began to try out "the hook". Now, plastic bowling balls, because of the outer material, are not meant to hook… but I tried to hook it anyway. It turned out that by the end of that bowling season, I turned my 114 average into something like a 146.

It wasn’t until the next season that I got my first "reactive resin" bowling ball. My average continued to climb. My brother and I bowled every Saturday morning, and it was something we looked forward to every day of the week. Our home house was AMF College Lanes in Overland Park, KS. Another year went by, and I decided to bowl in the Kansas City youth travel league. The competition was very intimidating. There were a couple of incredible youth bowlers, and one youth in this league who bowled out of Independence carried about a 220 average with one of the most graceful and intimidating styles I had ever seen. I knew he was gonna be a professional bowler sometime down the line… and sure enough he did, Ritchie Allen, and has actually won a national PBA event.

So my "golden season" as a youth bowler, when I really began to blossom, was probably the 1996-97 season when I was carrying around a 210 average, touching 215 many times. I bowled my first 300 game on May 4th, 1997, at a YABA (Young America Bowling Alliance) sanctioned tournament in North Kansas City (Kansas City Open). I continued to carry an average between 210 and 215 through 1999, my last season as a YABA sanctioned bowler. My last Kansas State Youth (Coca-Cola) Tournament was spring of 1999. I bowled in the scratch division and won the state tournament in Wichita. It is my biggest tournament bowling accomplishment to date; winning this tournament allowed me to participate in the International Youth Coca-Cola Classic Tournament in Salt Lake City, UT in August – all expenses paid. What an incredible experience as a youth bowler to be able to compete with the world’s best young bowlers; several of which were certainly bound to make bowling their profession.

I ended up finishing like 46th out of 64 in the scratch division of that tournament, but the experience, again, was just awesome. So came to an end, my days as a YABA bowler. Afterwards, I was putting pretty much all of my focus on my education and bowling was tertiary following school/studying and other meteorological/storm chasing activities. This pretty much took most all of my time from the end of 1999 up until the beginning of 2002. I made it a vow to get back in to bowling once I settled down with a new job…. so this leads me to Dodge City.

Upon moving to Dodge City for my new job, I started bowling only about a month later on a Thursday night league. I carried about a 205 average right off the bat, and then I began substituting on a regular basis on my co-worker’s Wednesday night team. This takes me up to current time. I am still bowling on both leagues, but my Thursday night team is now moving to Tuesday nights for the 2005-06 season, and I will more than likely be the regular 5th man on Wednesday night… we shall see! Since moving to Dodge City, I have bowled 5 more perfect game 300s, 2 of them in un-sanctioned tournaments, unfortunately. But, I do have two ABC 300 rings now to go along with my one YABA 300 ring and YABA 300 jacket, which, yes I am proud of :-D

For reasons that should be obvious to those that know me, I only bowl with "Storm" equipment ;-)


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