Greensburg talks
My "Greensburg tour" is going pretty well up to this point. Venues I’ve spoken at include Wichita, Aurora CO, Lawrence KS, Colleyville TX, Pratt KS, and Hampton VA. The Colleyville, TX talk was the TESSA National Storm Conference that is held every year in early March. It was good to meet new faces and see friends I haven’t seen in awhile. The Al Moller tribute and dinner was awesome, and I am glad I was there for it. Two days after I got back from Texas, I flew out to Virginia, as I was invited to speak at the Virginia Emergency Management Conference. They were interested in having a meteorological perspective on the event to go along with the emergency management side of things. Matt Mercer, the southwest KS regional coordinator for KS Homeland Security spoke about the Greensburg event from that perspective; he’s also from Dodge City. Two more talks left: Lincoln, NE "Central Plains Severe Weather Symposium" the weekend of March 29-30 and the following weekend April 4-5 I will be at Valparaiso, IN for the Great Lakes Meteorology Conference. I will also be taking part, to some degree, in Greensburg anniversary festivities the weekend of May 3-4th.
Utah-Colorado trip pics
I am about halfway done processing and uploading pics from my Utah-Colorado trip a little over a month ago. If you’ve been a regular to my website, you’ll notice some changes, which I’ll discuss a little bit more about below. Visit the "Moab 2008" link you see at the top. I hope to get the rest of the albums uploaded by the beginning of April, depending on the amount of free time I have.
Lightroom "Flash" albums & new "Collections" page
All new recently-shot images have been processed and uploaded through Adobe Lightroom. I’ve done this since about November, with the idea of hopefully getting a lot of images added faster. I’m using a very generic Joomla CMS template, and I’m fairly satisfied with the organization. I will not be deleting any albums from my current "Gallery", but many of the albums will eventually become "hidden", only accessed through the Collections front-end. "Gallery" will still exist, it will just evolve into my portfolio of high-end images only, with the plan to set up some sort of online print ordering interface within "Gallery". At least this is how I envision it for now. I’ll try to keep everyone posted.
Storm chase trip?
I put in for some time off at the latter part of June, although I’m not sure if I’ll get it or not — so it is still up in the air whether I’ll be taking a 2008 chase trip. If I do, I’ll probably tag along with either Jay Antle or Vince Miller again, we’ll see. I finally got a new Jotto Desk for my vehicle, so it will be a lot easier for me to have a chase partner in my Jeep, although I’ll primarily chase solo throughout the year except probably during my chase trip, if I take one.