Just approaching Clayton now. I had a fair day of landscape + sky
photography of scattered virga showers. These provided for some
decent photographic opportunities…however the color at sunset didn’t
really pan out like I had hoped. Still got some okay images late this
afternoon through the mid-evening hours. Tomorrow is May 1, and I
will spend tomorrow afternoon at Capulin Volcano. Some additional
showers are expected to form along the Raton Mesa given the very cold
temperatures aloft, so there may be a repeat tomorrow of what I did
late this afternoon/evening. I will then head to Dodge late tomorrow
evening, as Sunday May 2nd could be a chase day across Southwest
Kansas, if this morning’s NAM model was right… 800 to 1000 J/kg CAPE
with some low level convergence amidst cold temperatures aloft. This
just may be the last hurrah for chasing/photogrpahy during my vacation
time. Monday and Tuesday I may be spending in Dodge for the end of my
vacation as the severe weather pattern is crap these days it continues
to appear.
and do not necessarily represent those of official National Weather Service forecast products,
therefore read and enjoy at your own risk and edification!"
April 30, 2010
chase trip update 4/30 8:45pm cdt
chase trip update 4/30 8:45pm cdt
Just approaching Clayton now. I had a fair day of landscape + sky
photography of scattered virga showers. These provided for some
decent photographic opportunities…however the color at sunset didn’t
really pan out like I had hoped. Still got some okay images late this
afternoon through the mid-evening hours. Tomorrow is May 1, and I
will spend tomorrow afternoon at Capulin Volcano. Some additional
showers are expected to form along the Raton Mesa given the very cold
temperatures aloft, so there may be a repeat tomorrow of what I did
late this afternoon/evening. I will then head to Dodge late tomorrow
evening, as Sunday May 2nd could be a chase day across Southwest
Kansas, if this morning’s NAM model was right… 800 to 1000 J/kg CAPE
with some low level convergence amidst cold temperatures aloft. This
just may be the last hurrah for chasing/photogrpahy during my vacation
time. Monday and Tuesday I may be spending in Dodge for the end of my
vacation as the severe weather pattern is crap these days it continues
to appear.
chase trip update 4/30 8:45pm cdt
Just approaching Clayton now. I had a fair day of landscape + sky
photography of scattered virga showers. These provided for some
decent photographic opportunities…however the color at sunset didn’t
really pan out like I had hoped. Still got some okay images late this
afternoon through the mid-evening hours. Tomorrow is May 1, and I
will spend tomorrow afternoon at Capulin Volcano. Some additional
showers are expected to form along the Raton Mesa given the very cold
temperatures aloft, so there may be a repeat tomorrow of what I did
late this afternoon/evening. I will then head to Dodge late tomorrow
evening, as Sunday May 2nd could be a chase day across Southwest
Kansas, if this morning’s NAM model was right… 800 to 1000 J/kg CAPE
with some low level convergence amidst cold temperatures aloft. This
just may be the last hurrah for chasing/photogrpahy during my vacation
time. Monday and Tuesday I may be spending in Dodge for the end of my
vacation as the severe weather pattern is crap these days it continues
to appear.
chase trip update 4/30 8:45pm cdt
Just approaching Clayton now. I had a fair day of landscape + sky
photography of scattered virga showers. These provided for some
decent photographic opportunities…however the color at sunset didn’t
really pan out like I had hoped. Still got some okay images late this
afternoon through the mid-evening hours. Tomorrow is May 1, and I
will spend tomorrow afternoon at Capulin Volcano. Some additional
showers are expected to form along the Raton Mesa given the very cold
temperatures aloft, so there may be a repeat tomorrow of what I did
late this afternoon/evening. I will then head to Dodge late tomorrow
evening, as Sunday May 2nd could be a chase day across Southwest
Kansas, if this morning’s NAM model was right… 800 to 1000 J/kg CAPE
with some low level convergence amidst cold temperatures aloft. This
just may be the last hurrah for chasing/photogrpahy during my vacation
time. Monday and Tuesday I may be spending in Dodge for the end of my
vacation as the severe weather pattern is crap these days it continues
to appear.
Glorified rainshower chasing
Time, 3:30 PM. The idea is to head south west toward rain showers in the western Oklahoma panhandle out towards Clayton, and I hope it is for some artsy fartsy images around sunset with these showers. I will stay in Clayton tonight, more than likely.
[ Transcribed by MyCaption ]
chase trip update 2:15pm 4/30
update: aborting chase, west winds have totally overwhelmed southwest and now south central KS… this is what I get for waking up at noon and not spending time to actually forecast… and making a knee-jerk reaction to mid-day analysis.. towers are forming just northwest of Wichita, and by the time I reach them, it will likely be 6pm and near Topeka.. plus, I left my hiking shoes at home… I’m going to turn around and go back home, get my hiking shoes and then set off for Palo Duro or Caprock Canyons SP and maybe do some hiking tomorrow. Plus, there’s some convective showers developing in the northern Panhandles, so there might be something to photograph on my way down there
Chase Trip Day Seven (Apr 30) Forecast
It’s a chase day! …close to home. There is a small remnant convergence area developing southwest of Dodge City with some growing cumulus clouds around Coldwater. There is some small CAPE developing and I noticed a Cb already forming in the distant northeast when I came back from getting my new tire put on on the Jeep. I will load things back up and set out for Coldwater… and see what happens. Cold air aloft, so there should be a storm to photograph.
April 29, 2010
Chase update 1015pm
I am currently dealing with a flat tire, north west of Salina. Fortunately, I am on a paved Road. So, I will have to change out the flat after this storm passes by me because I will not have enough time before it hits. So, it will be a bumpy ride here for the next half hour to 45 minutes or however long it takes for the storm to move through. The joys of storm chasing. More later.
[ Transcribed by MyCaption ]
Chase update
Time, 9:05 PM. As you can see, I finally got storms developing. Severe storms along a line. Even though it’s a line, the structure is pretty good with abundant lightning. Pretty good. I will follow this at least for the next hour, and we’ll see where it goes after that. More later.
[ Transcribed by MyCaption ]
chase update
Time 7:15pm. Well it would certainly appear that I have screwed the
pooch on this day. There appears to be a nice developing supercell
northeast of Concordia near the NE/KS border…which is where most
storm chasers targeted. Me, I like to be a little risky, and playing
south was a risky move, but it didn’t look overly “hot” in the mid
levels and as such, thought at least one storm would develop along the
dryline. Well, what ended up developing along the dryline was a bunch
of high-based virga. More damn virga. Sometimes a decent storm can
be born from initially a field of virga showers… but that’s usually
a High Plains thing. At any rate, I’ll wander about Hwy 156 corridor
between Ellsworth and Great Bend until it’s obvious I’ve really messed
this one up… at sundown.