Okay time to gloat again about my bowling. Hey, it’s my blog so I can chest thump if I want to
Last Tuesday perfection ensued once again, as I rolled the 8th perfect game 300 of my illustrious bowling career After struggling for the past few months…ever since the last couple of weeks, I’ve been much more consistent with my release which is a big confidence boost. Confidence in your game is a huge key to stringing a ton of strikes and posting persistent high scores. Unfortunately for me, this ebs and flows on a monthly or bi-monthly basis.. or at least it has in the past couple years it seems. I could streak together quite a few 650+ series… and twice since I have moved to Dodge City I have bowled two 300 games in a span of just a couple weeks….only to follow it up the next month or two with some horribly pathetic low 500 to 550 series with far too many sub-175 games.
So last Tuesday in the Continental League, my games were 210-300-245 for a 755 series. The following night, I had 12-in-a-row again… in the 2nd game I had the last 10 strikes followed by the first two in the last game. My series Wednesday night was 705. This marked the 4th straight league night with a 700 series…which is a first. How long can I keep this going for? Stay tuned…
Congrats on the 300s! Sheesh! And I was proud when I pulled a 527 series last week! *LOL* I got a ball in the trunk with me, so next time I’m in Dodge, I’m gonna have to hit you up for a series!
Comment by Tony Laubach — December 9, 2005 @ 4:51 pm