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Shoot type: Wildlife # of images: 1 | Synopsis:
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Shoot type: Wildlife # of images: 2 | Synopsis:
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Shoot type: Wildlife # of images: 1 | Synopsis:
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Shoot type: Wildlife # of images: 11 | Synopsis:
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Shoot type: Wildlife # of images: 1 | Synopsis:
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Shoot type: Wildlife # of images: 9 | Synopsis:
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Shoot type: Wildlife # of images: 1 | Synopsis:
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Shoot type: Wildlife # of images: 1 | Synopsis:
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Shoot type: Landscape # of images: 1 | Synopsis:
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Shoot type: Wildlife # of images: 7 | Synopsis:
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Shoot type: Wildlife # of images: 4 | Synopsis:
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Shoot type: Landscape # of images: 0 | Synopsis:
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Shoot type: Wildlife # of images: 1 | Synopsis:
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Shoot type: Weather and Sky Around Home # of images: 1 | Synopsis:
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Shoot type: Wildlife # of images: 0 | Synopsis:
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Shoot type: Storm Chase # of images: 5 | Synopsis:
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Shoot type: Wildlife # of images: 0 | Synopsis:
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Shoot type: Wildlife # of images: 0 | Synopsis:
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Shoot type: Wildlife # of images: 3 | Synopsis:
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Shoot type: Wildlife # of images: 3 | Synopsis:
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Shoot type: Wildlife # of images: 0 | Synopsis:
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Shoot type: Landscape # of images: 0 | Synopsis:
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Shoot type: Storm Chase # of images: 4 | Synopsis:
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Shoot type: Storm Chase # of images: 3 | Synopsis:
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Shoot type: Storm Chase # of images: 2 | Synopsis:
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Shoot type: Storm Chase # of images: 3 | Synopsis:
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Shoot type: Storm Chase # of images: 0 | Synopsis:
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Shoot type: Storm Chase # of images: 11 | Synopsis:
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Shoot type: Storm Chase # of images: 4 | Synopsis:
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Shoot type: Storm Chase # of images: 1 | Synopsis:
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Shoot type: Storm Chase # of images: 0 | Synopsis:
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Shoot type: Storm Chase # of images: 2 | Synopsis:
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Shoot type: Storm Chase # of images: 5 | Synopsis:
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Shoot type: Storm Chase # of images: 3 | Synopsis:
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Shoot type: Storm Chase # of images: 2 | Synopsis:
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Shoot type: Storm Chase # of images: 2 | Synopsis:
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Shoot type: Storm Chase # of images: 3 | Synopsis:
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Shoot type: Storm Chase # of images: 1 | Synopsis:
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Shoot type: Storm Chase # of images: 3 | Synopsis:
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Shoot type: Storm Chase # of images: 4 | Synopsis:
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Shoot type: Wildlife # of images: 3 | Synopsis:
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Shoot type: Wildlife # of images: 2 | Synopsis:
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Shoot type: Wildlife # of images: 1 | Synopsis:
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Shoot type: Wildlife # of images: 2 | Synopsis:
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Shoot type: Wildlife # of images: 2 | Synopsis:
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Shoot type: Wildlife # of images: 0 | Synopsis:
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Shoot type: Wildlife # of images: 2 | Synopsis:
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Shoot type: Wildlife # of images: 0 | Synopsis:
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Shoot type: Wildlife # of images: 1 | Synopsis:
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Shoot type: Wildlife # of images: 0 | Synopsis:
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Shoot type: Wildlife # of images: 5 | Synopsis:
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Shoot type: Wildlife # of images: 1 | Synopsis:
     |  | Location: Laguna Seca Ranch (morning & afternoon)
Shoot type: Wildlife # of images: 9 | Synopsis: This was Day 2 of 2 at Laguna Seca Ranch. The morning shoot was at their raptor blind. Unfortunately, clouds kept the light from being the best, and it took awhile for the birds to finally show up at the baited perches. Birds at the raptor blind included Turkey Vulture, Harris's Hawk (√), White-tailed Hawk (√), Crested Caracara (√). Even had a distant Loggerhead Shrike. The afternoon shoot was at the Beaver Blind again, with pretty much the same species as yesterday with some different perch setups.
     |  | Location: Laguna Seca Ranch (morning & afternoon)
Shoot type: Wildlife # of images: 5 | Synopsis: The morning shoot was at the Bulldog Blind on the Laguna Seca Ranch. Here, I photographed with my guide for several hours. Best bird images at the blind included Green Jay (√), Common Ground Dove (√), Lincolns Sparrow (√), Black-crested Titmouse (√), Northern Cardinal. In the afternoon, we set up at one of their afternoon blinds, Beaver Pond Blind. Here, the best shots included Black-crested Titmouse (√), Green Jay (√), Lincolns Sparrow, Eastern Phoebe (√), Pyrrhuloxia (√), Northern Cardinal (√), Long-billed Thrasher (√), Indigo Bunting (√), Northern Mockingbird, Orange-crowned Warbler, Golden-fronted Woodpecker, Lark Sparrow.
    |  | Location: Leonabelle Turnbull Birding Center, Port Aransas (morning) & Boca Chica Beach (afternoon)
Shoot type: Wildlife # of images: 2 | Synopsis: The morning was the last shoot for me on the central TX coast before I made my way down to the Lower Rio Grande Valley (LRGV). The morning shoot at the birding center in Port Aransas was fairly productive along the boardwalk overlooking a marsh. There were plenty of ducks and pelicans to photograph. My best photography subjects were Northern Shoveler (√), Green-winged Teal (√), and American White Pelican (√). After a three-hour drive to the LRGV, I first stopped at the Sabal Palm Sanctuary. There were some decent birds at the feeding station there as well as a nesting Great Horned Owl, but I decided to focus my late afternoon/early evening shoot at Boca Chica Beach where my best subjects were Sanderlings (√), Ruddy Turnstone (√), and Great Blue Heron (√).
   |  | Location: Aransas Wildlife Refuge (morning)
Shoot type: Wildlife # of images: 1 | Synopsis: This was the second morning on Kevin Sims private photography boat. This morning I was joined by another couple of photographers, which helped offset the cost of the charter. We did manage to get on more or less the same cranes, with some slightly different perspectives and behaviors. Like the previous morning, we also got on other birds in nice morning light including other wading birds, cormorants, another Osprey (probably the same one from yesterday), and numerous other gulls and shorebirds.
    |  | Location: Aransas Wildlife Refuge (morning) & Port Aransas Nature Preserve
Shoot type: Wildlife # of images: 4 | Synopsis: The morning shoot was the first of two on Kevin Sims private photography boat which I chartered, where he took me up through a shipping channel along marsh habitat that makes up much of Aransas refuge. We got on Whooping Cranes right away, and spent the bulk of the morning photographing several different family groups. We also found other wading birds and an Osprey along the way. That afternoon, I found a nice sandbar at the Port Aransas Nature Preserve where I photographed pelicans, both American White and Brown.
   |  | Location: Brazos Bend State Park (morning) & Lamar, TX (afternoon)
Shoot type: Wildlife # of images: 23 | Synopsis: This was the second morning shoot at Brazos Bend, solo this time. Species photographed included: White Ibis, Black-bellied Whistling Duck (√), Black Vulture (√), Snowy Egret, Orange-crowned Warbler, House Wren, Common Gallinule (√), Yellow-rumped Warbler, Pied-billed Grebe feeding (√). That afternoon, I drove down to Lamar to begin my second leg of the trip. The late afternoon was spent at a blind on Kevin Sims property (owner of photography boat I charted for Whooping Cranes the next two days). At the blind, I was hoping for some close shots of either Sandhill or Whooping Cranes. Unfortunately, it didnt work out that well. The best shots were of a Great Blue Heron feeding on a glass lizard!
    |  | Location: Brazos Bend State Park (morning) & Bolivar Flats Shorebird Sanctuary (afternoon)
Shoot type: Wildlife # of images: 4 | Synopsis: The first full day of shooting was a good one. Favorable weather led to good light. The morning shoot was at Brazos Bend State Park with a local wildlife photographer I met on Successfully photographed species included: Turkey Vulture, Black-crowned Night Heron, Blue-winged Teal, Common Gallinule, Great Egret, Northern Cardinal, Double-crested Cormorant, Snowy Egret, Pied-billed Grebe (√), Tri-colored Heron, White Ibis (√), Ring-necked Duck (√).
The afternoon shoot was by myself at Bolivar Flats, and I successfully photographed: American White Pelican, Snowy Plover (√), Reddish Egret (√), Long-billed Curlew, Least Sandpiper (√), Western Sandpiper (√), Neotropical Cormorant, Willet
 |  | Location: Kemah Boardwalk, Kemah, TX
Shoot type: Wildlife # of images: 3 | Synopsis: My first shoot was scheduled for late afternoon, but the weather was quite cloudy with drizzle. I wasnt going to make it to Galveston or Bolivar Flats in time for a shoot, so I settled on the Kemah Boardwalk after some advice from a local photographer. I only photographed a few gulls and comorants, but nothing spectacular.
Other storm chases that busted/no photography in 2014