Synopsis: This was the second morning shoot at Brazos Bend, solo this time. Species photographed included: White Ibis, Black-bellied Whistling Duck (√), Black Vulture (√), Snowy Egret, Orange-crowned Warbler, House Wren, Common Gallinule (√), Yellow-rumped Warbler, Pied-billed Grebe feeding (√). That afternoon, I drove down to Lamar to begin my second leg of the trip. The late afternoon was spent at a blind on Kevin Sims property (owner of photography boat I charted for Whooping Cranes the next two days). At the blind, I was hoping for some close shots of either Sandhill or Whooping Cranes. Unfortunately, it didnt work out that well. The best shots were of a Great Blue Heron feeding on a glass lizard! |