| About This Shoot | Date: 14 July 2011 | Location: Northeast Colorado from Sterling to Crook, CO | Shoot Type: Storm Chase | Rating: | Synopsis: I first targeted storms coming off the Front Range/Palmer Divide east of Denver (near Deer Trail), but these storms quickly became outflow dominant and unphotogenic. I then decided to head farther northeast in anticipation of new storms closer to better moisture/instability. A new storm did form and eventually took on some nice organization and structure not too far from Sterling, CO. I followed along highway 138 from Sterling to Iliff to Crook capturing some images of the storm in good light at around sunset. |
Other Shoots Around This Date 4 Jul | 5 Jul | 6 Jul | 7 Jul | 8 Jul | 9 Jul | 10 Jul | 11 Jul | 12 Jul | 13 Jul | 
14 Jul | 
15 Jul | 
16 Jul | 17 Jul | 18 Jul | 19 Jul | 20 Jul | 21 Jul | 22 Jul | 23 Jul | 24 Jul | |
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Preliminary Storm Reports from 14 July 2011
1630 UTC SPC Products from 14 July 2011

Categorical Convective Outlook

Probabilistic Tornado Outlook

Probabilistic Hail Outlook

Probabilistic Wind Outlook
Evening Meteorological Charts from 14 July 2011

250mb Chart

500mb Chart

700mb Chart

850mb Chart

Surface Chart
Wed, 13 Jul 2011 22:36:01 -0500 Chase Days July 14-15. A couple decent severe weather days expected from northeastern Colorado into northern Nebraska (Sandhills?). Objectives are storm-in-landscape scenes/golden hour light/dramatic lightning | During this 3 day trip, I am hoping for 2 or 3 more fine art/dramatic
storm images to compete with some other dramatic images I've capture
during the 2011 season. I think the opportunity is pretty good to
land some decent storm images with strong/severe photogenic storms a
good possibility each day. The first day, Thursday July 14, I have my
eye on far northeastern Colorado into the Sidney-Big Springs, Nebraska
area. I will be getting off work in Dodge City at around noon and
will drive north toward my target area for evening storms. The
following day, Friday July 15, I have my eye on an area a bit farther
northeast, perhaps centered on the sandhills north of North Platte,
NE. Saturday, the upper ridge really begins to build in a bit more,
which may limit severe weather opportunity a bit with the southern
edge of the upper level southwesterly flow shifting a bit north and
west, but there should still be some terrain-initiated storms off the
Laramie Mts or along a subtle surface trough axis in the southern
Dakotas. Sunday July 17 I will drive back home to Dodge City as I
resume shift work on Monday July 18.