Happy new year everyone! Underthemeso.com "Photo of the Month" has been updated. This month’s image is another favorite from my June 2008 storm chase trip.
-Mike U
January 2009
June High Plains Storm in Colorado
A marginallysevere storm developed along the Front Range of the Rockies near theColorado-Wyoming border. My chase partner Vince Miller and Iintercepted this storm over desolate northeastern Weld County in thePawnee National Grassland. Using the Lightning Trigger shutter release,I captured this image of a cloud-to-ground lightning flash centereddirectly over the farm road on the horizon. Details of this image:Nikon D200 body, 22mm focal length (33mm virtual focal length), 1/60s @f/8, ISO 200. Photographed June 19, 2008 during a northeastern Coloradostorm chase.