High Plains Drifter

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May 2, 2005

High “10″ and “30″

Filed under: Bowling — storm300 @ 11:03 pm

Okay, I’m allowed to gloat every now again, it’s my blog! ;-)
In bowling we refer to highest game many times as high "10", in reference to highest score in 10 frames… and 3-game series as high "30"…

Highest game: 300

May 4, 1997 :: AMF Northland Lanes (Kansas City, MO) ::
Kansas City Open (youth tournament)

July 11, 1997 :: Laurel Lanes (Raytown, MO) ::
Youth Sweeper Tournament

October 18, 2003 :: Ayr Lanes (Liberal, KS) ::
Western Kansas Scratch Bowlers Tour, unsanctioned

November 2, 2003 :: Centennial Lanes (Hays, KS) ::
Western Kansas Scratch Bowlers Tour, unsanctioned

March 31, 2003 :: Spare Tyme Bowl (Dodge City, KS) ::
Wednesday Triple Threat League

September 22, 2004 :: Spare Tyme Bowl (Dodge City, KS) ::
Wednesday Triple Threat League

October 5, 2004 :: Spare Tyme Bowl (Dodge City, KS) ::
Wednesday Triple Threat League

November 29, 2005 :: Spare Tyme Bowl (Dodge City, KS) ::
Tuesday Continental League

Highest Series: 777

October 5, 2004 :: Spare Tyme Bowl (Dodge City, KS) ::
Wednesday Triple Threat League


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