High Plains Drifter

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and do not necessarily represent those of official National Weather Service forecast products,
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December 13, 2007

December 8-11, 2007 Ice Storm Summary

Filed under: Uncategorized — Mike U @ 6:43 am

The ice storm of December 8-11, 2007 was one of the more far-reaching ice events I’ve seen.  There were three distinct corridors of significant icing events during this time span of nearly 3 days.  These areas are depicted in the image below, which is a 7-day precipitation map covering the days of the ice storm across the midsection of the country:

Below are a few links of interest related to the December 8-11, 2007 Plains ice storm:

Stormtrack Forum forecast, nowcast, reports: 

WINTER STORM FCST 12/07/07-12/12/07: KS, MO, IA, IL, MN, WI, NE, MI
WINTER STORM NOW 12/08-11/2007: KS, OK, NE, MO, IA, CO, among others
12/9-12/11/07 REPORTS: Plains to Great Lakes 

National Weather Service summary pages:

NWS Dodge City, KS
NWS Norman, OK
NWS Tulsa, OK
NWS Wichita, KS
NWS Topeka, KS
NWS Pleasant Hill, MO
NWS Springfield, MO
NWS Hastings, NE

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