High Plains Drifter

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February 17, 2008

CO-UT Trip, Feb 2008 (Day 3)

Filed under: CO-UT Trip Feb2008 — Mike U @ 12:25 am

Saturday was the main day of the convention, and it went pretty well.  I did my talk on the Greensburg tornado at 9:00am which was rather well-received.  There were some interesting talks today, including Tim Samaras’ fantastic high time-resolution lightning imagery.  At 15,000 frames per second, you can pick out some of the stepped leader processes that happen on such short time scales that ordinary 1/30s time resolution video just cannot even come close to capturing.  Tim now has this incredible ultra-high temporal resolution camera that will shoot a staggering 500,000 to 1 million frames per second!  In order to shoot at such frame rates, the camera is a monstrosity which has to be hauled in a trailer and has its own processing equipment dedicated to imager.  Tim mentioned that it’s the only ultra-high frame rate digital camera of its kind in the world.  Some amazing never before seen images are yet to be captured… hopefully with this incredible camera.  Other interesting and even entertaining speakers included Tim Marshall,  Jon Davies, Howie Bluestein, among others.  

Tomorrow, I have a talk scheduled at 8:00am on digital photography techniques.  After that, sometime around 10:00am or so, I’ll begin heading west on I-70 towards Colorado National Monument and Grand Junction.  I’ll post again tomorrow evening at that location! 

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