Mesa Arch morning (Canyonlands NP), Arches NP afternoon/evening
Day2 of photography in Arches and Canyonlands was another success. Theday began with a morning shoot at Mesa Arch, another classic and iconiclandscape photography location within Canyonlands NP. "The shot" isalways immediately after sunrise as the warm early morning sunlightstrikes beneath the underbelly of the arch illuminataing it in a fieryred hue. This morning, however, this fiery red color only lasted verybriefly as there were nuisance high cirrus (some of it rather thick andopaque) right in the way. There was only one other photographer therefor the sunrise shoot, which is pretty good for this location. Theother photographer that was there with me mentioned that this is thequietest of the 3 trips he had made (in terms of number ofphotographers). This allowed for freedom of movement around the archfor different compositions. After that, the good light faded, and Idrove to Grand View Point at Canyonlands just to the south of MesaArch. What a view indeed! I’ll likely be heading to Canyonlands fortomorrow morning sunrise (actually probably Dead Horse Point State Parkright near there). For the late morning and the middle part of theday, I came back to the motel room and slept for a couple hours thengrabbed lunch at Zax pizza place on Main Street. After that, I headedinto Arches for late afternoon/evening photography. The lion’s shareof time was spent around Balanced Rock area where there is a fantasticview of the distant "Windows" section against the distant snowy LaSalMountains. Overall a good day with a few truly nice keepers for sure.
Thereis a storm coming. This has thrown a wrench into thingsunfortunately. I will not be staying in Moab through Thursday morningfor I do not want to drive back through the Colorado Rockies amidst abunch of snow on my originally planned "driving through Colorado" dayThursday. The storm will be taking a rather southern route, thus havebeen thinking all afternoon how to play this one. Initially, I thoughtI would just drive back to Dodge tomorrow, arriving late Wednesdaynight. After giving this some thought, have decided I don’t want tohead back to Dodge yet. I’m on vacation and for me vacation meansstaying away from Dodge. Thus, the new plan is this: After sunriseshoot (depending on cloud cover) in either Canyondlands area or Arches,I will leave the area and head in a general northeast direction. Ithink I will head up into far southern Wyoming (I-80 corridor) and justtake a leisurely trip east for the next couple of days before arrivingin Lawrence, KS on Friday afternoon. By doing this, I will stay awayfrom the weather, even though it will likely be quite cold. I can dealwith the cold, but I don’t like driving in the weather, and rushingback to beat the weather to Southwest Kansas. Sooo.. I think tomorrownight I may just settle into the Rawlins, WY area on I-80. ThenThursday, would take a leisure drive through the rest of easternWyoming into southwestern Nebraska… shacking up along I-80 in theNorth Platte or Kearney areas.