I’m about to depart for my New Mexico photography trip. It will be a 5-day trip chalk full of photographing oppotunities. I’ve researched what place I want to hit for this trip over the past several weeks. My first visit will be White Sands Nat’l Monument, arriving early tomorrow morning. Here is a crude itenerary of what I plan to photograph through this trip:
Friday 27th: early morning sunrise photography @ White Sands. Mid-morning to midday acquaintence with the park. Afternoon hike the Alkali Trail, with evening photography in the dunes before they kick me out just after sunset.
Saturday 28th: Up very early for another dawn shoot at White Sands. I’m going to try to get in before 7am local time to get setup for pre-sunrise shots. Apparantly there is a $50 fee to get a ranger to open the gates an hour early. Shoot most of the morning at White Sands until sun angle gets too high. Drive to Socorro. Late afternoon/evening visit at Bosque NWR. My first photo shoot will be that evening as the thousands of geese/ducks/cranes fly-in to roost for the night.
Sunday 29th: Up very early arriving at Bosque about 45 to an hour before sunrise. Morning shoot of the incredible “fly-out”. The rest of the day will be a more relaxing/liesure tour around Bosque with sporadic photography here and there. Then will setup for the next evening “fly-in” shoot.
Monday 30th: Up very early for Bosque “fly-out” shoot #2… will stay in Bosque until late morning or so. Drive to Santa Fe and check-in. Drive to Nambe Pueblo a few miles north of Santa Fe and photograph Nambe Falls.
Tuesday 31st: Up early depart Santa Fe for Bandelier Nat’l Mon. Hike the Falls Trail and photograph upper/lower falls and other scenics around the Rio Grande canyons. Drive back home.
I will try to keep a daily blog of events and a photo or two from the day, likely in the late evenings before crashing for the night… as time allows.
Pretty cool Mike, keep us posted and looking forward to some great pics! Please send the girly photos to my personal email…ok thanks!
Comment by Fritz — January 28, 2006 @ 9:23 am